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Dissertation defense Mohammad Mukul Hossain

We congratulate Dr. Mohammad Mukul Hossain from the Department of Food and Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, who successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Health Benefits of Oat (Avena sativa) Bioactives: Acute and Second-meal Effects of Oat Polar Lipids and Beta-glucans” on June 13, 2024 in Lund. The opponent was Associate Professor Jonas Burén from Umeå University.

About the thesis:

This thesis investigates the health benefits of bioactive substances from oats, focusing on polar lipids and beta-glucans. Four intervention studies were conducted with healthy young adults to investigate postprandial metabolic effects of test foods fortified with oat polar lipids (OPL) or beta-glucans. Results show that OPL improves blood glucose regulation and reduces circulating triglycerides both after breakfast and after a standardized lunch. In addition, OPL increases the release of satiety hormones such as GLP-1 and PYY and reduces the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Consumption of beta-glucans from oats also improves postprandial glycemic responses and appetite sensations. This research contributes to the development of innovative food products with preventive potential against cardiometabolic diseases.

Link to more information about the thesis

We congratulate Mukul on his successful defence and wish him all the best in his future career.

Disputation Shishanthi Jayarathna

Vi gratulerar LiFT doktor Shishanthi Jayarathna från Institutionen för Molekylära vetenskaper, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, som framgångsrikt försvarade sin doktorsavhandling med titeln “Novel Starch Types: Molecular Diversity for Future Applications” den 31 maj 2024 i Uppsala. Opponent var Professor Andreas Blennow, Avdelningen för Växtglykobiologi, Institutionen för Växt- och Miljövetenskaper, Köpenhamns Universitet.

I sin avhandling studerade Shishanthi hur potatisstärkelse kan förändras genom riktade mutationer i stärkelsesyntesvägen. CRISPR/Cas9 användes för att skapa mutationer i generna för stärkelseförgreningsenzymer (SBE) och granulbunden stärkelsyntasgenen (GBSS). Den resulterande stärkelsen analyserades sedan för att kartlägga dess molekylära och funktionella egenskaper.

Mutationer i SBEI och SBEII genererade stärkelse med hög amyloshalt, medan GBSS-mutationer resulterade i en vaxartad stärkelse. I kombination skapade mutationer i både SBEI och SBEII stärkelse som enbart bestod av amylos. Potatislinjer med varierande genetisk bakgrund visade skillnader i klistringsprofiler, vilket påverkade filmbildande egenskaper. Dessutom producerade traditionell korsning av korn med naturlig genetisk variation stärkelse med modifierade strukturer, till följd av ökad fruktan syntes och en hög andel stora byggstenar.
Sammantaget belyser avhandlingen hur förändringar i stärkelsesyntesvägen kan påverka stärkelseegenskaper, och banar därmed väg för framtagning av skräddarsydd stärkelse med nya och förbättrade funktioner.

Du hittar mer information om avhandlingen här

Vi gratulerar Shishanthi till hennes framgångsrika försvar och önskar henne all lycka i hennes framtida karriär.


Dissertation defense Shishanthi Jayarathna

Congratulations to Dr. Shishanthi Jayarathna, PhD, from the Department of Molecular Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, who successfully defended her thesis entitled “Novel Starch Types: Molecular Diversity for Future Applications” on May 31, 2024 in Uppsala. The opponent was Professor Andreas Blennow, Division of Plant Glycobiology, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

In his thesis, Shishanthi studied how potato starch can be altered by targeted mutations in the starch synthesis pathway. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to create mutations in the starch branching enzyme (SBE) and granule bound starch synthase (GBSS) genes. The resulting starch was then analyzed to map its molecular and functional properties.
Mutations in SBEI and SBEII generated starches with high amylose content, while GBSS mutations resulted in a waxy starch. In combination, mutations in both SBEI and SBEII created starches consisting of amylose only. Potato lines with varying genetic backgrounds showed differences in sticking profiles, which affected film-forming properties. In addition, traditional crossing of grains with natural genetic variation produced starches with modified structures, resulting in increased fructan synthesis and a high proportion of large building blocks.
Overall, the thesis highlights how changes in the starch synthesis pathway can affect starch properties, thus paving the way for the development of tailored starches with new and improved functions.

You find more information on the thesis here

We congratulate Shishanthi on her successful defence and wish her all the best in her future career.

Matdagen and LiFT activity at Livsmedelsföretagen 2024 

Matdagen was taking place at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Stockholm 25th of April 2024. The theme for this year was “EU and Sweden 30 years after the referendum – what do we want with Europe?” The next morning, the LiFT students gathered at the Swedish Food Federation to have seminars about “Processed foods – facts and opinions”. The program included the following presentations:

  • The EU regulatory system for food (Nicklas Amelin, Livsmedelsföretagen)
  • Debate and science about processed foods (Elisabet Rytter, Livsmedelsföretagen)
  • Why do we process foods (Andreas Håkansson, Lunds University)

Link to Matdagen 2024 on YouTube

30 maj – Frukostwebbinarium: Vad är deeptech?

Undrar du vad deeptech är? Då är du inte ensam. Deeptech utmanar och förändrar förutsättningar för hela branscher, men vad är det egentligen? SLU Future Food och SLU Holding bjuder in till ett frukostwebbinarium för att vända ut och in på deeptech begreppet och förstå hur teknologier som bygger på avancerad vetenskap och innovation kan påskynda omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle.

Läs mer om webbinariumet och gör din anmälan här: Vad är deeptech? | Externwebben (

The Food Science Sweden Conference 2024

The Swedish food system is confronted with significant challenges related to sustainability and health, yet it also presents great opportunities to address future challenges. The Food Science Sweden Conference 2024 in Örebro will showcase compelling initiatives associated with health and sustainability. Additionally, it will highlight the measures taken in the value chains to reshape the food system toward sustainability.

What is a food system? Does the Swedish food system differ from other European food systems?

Four years ago, in 2020, The Formas Research Council in Sweden provided funding for four centers for sustainability and competitiveness in the food system. Since then, the four centers – BLUE FOOD, PAN Sweden, FINEST, and SustAinimal – have taken important steps to contribute to the development and innovation of the food system. All centers have initiated close collaborations with researchers, the food sector, and stakeholders to build knowledge and skills throughout the food chain. During the Food Science Sweden Conference 2024 we will hear about the collaborations, lessons learned, and the role the centers have played in the transition of the food system, as well as getting an insight into other European food systems.

When:  Wednesday the 10th of April 2024

Where: Örebro University

Read more about the Food Sweden Conference 2024 here

LiFT course 2023

The LiFT course “Regulatory and ethical aspects of food production and consumption” was hosted by SLU in Uppsala, 13-17 March, 2023.

This course explored legal and ethical aspects regarding food production and the management of the food chain. The course focused on the laws and the policies, self-regulations and private standards that govern the structure and content of the Swedish food system. Sustainability aspects including environmental aspects, such as natural resources and risk analyses were also considered.

Read more about the course here

The Food Science Sweden Conference 2023 – Research and Innovation for Food Security

Food security is high on the agenda due to Climate change, COVID-19, and war in Europe. A robust food system is urgently needed, and stakeholders and researchers must collaborate to develop best practises. Join the discussions at the Food Science Sweden Conference 2023 in Uppsala.

The reasons for making the food system more resilient are strong and compelling. Food Science Sweden’s Conference 2023 addresses the issue of food security and the need for collaboration between academia and stakeholders to develop knowledge, best practices, and innovations to improve the present state. Another topic for discussion will be the connection between food security, resilience, and a sustainable food system – do they go hand in hand?

When: 15th of March 2023
Where: SLU, Uppsala, Sweden

To the program and registration >> FSS Conference 2023

Registration open for Food Science Sweden conference 15th of March 2022

Learn about on how we can improve precision in food production and consumption (behaviour, sensory, and health) using data driven approaches. Including presenters from both industry and academy.

In addition, at the conference you will get the latest findings in food science by listening to PhD-students within the national graduate school in food science – LiFT.

The conference is arranged as is a digital event and you will receive a link to the conference one day prior to the event, sent to your registered E-mail.

Registration is open, please register here

Download program here


Save the date for the digital edition of The Food Science Sweden Conference ”Data Driven Food Research & Innovation”

Learn about on how we can improve precision in food production (from farm to table) and consumption (behaviour, sensory, and health) using data driven approaches. Including presenters from both industry and academy.

In addition, at the conference you will get the latest findings in food science by listening to PhD-students within the national graduate school in food science – LiFT.

When & Where: 15th of March 2022 via Zoom

The conference program will soon be avaliable on our website.

Ny styrelseordförande

Robert Brummer, Örebros universitet, är vald till ny styrelseordförande för Food Science Sweden . Uppdraget gäller från och med januari 2022.