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Food Science Sweden deltar i Formas utlysning Centrumbildningar för hållbarhet och konkurrenskraft i livsmedelssystemet

Food Science Sweden, med Lunds Universitet som huvudsökande, har påbörjat ansökningsarbetet till Formas utlysning Centrumbildningar för hållbarhet och konkurrenskraft i livsmedelssystemet.

Utlysningens syfte är att möta näringslivets behov av kunskap för omställning till ett hållbart och konkurrenskraftigt livsmedelssystem genom två till tre tvärvetenskapliga centrumbildningar för behovsmotiverad forskning.

I kriterierna för ansökan ska centrumbildningarna byggas upp gemensamt av akademi, näringsliv och andra samhällsaktörer. Forskning och praktik ska knytas samman för att utveckla och stärka livsmedelssystemet.

Utlysningen ligger i linje med Food Science Sweden, som genom att vara en nationell plattform stärker och synliggör svensk livsmedelsforskning.

Initialt finansierar Formas två till tre stycken fyraåriga centrumbildningar. Utlysningen omfattar totalt 140 miljoner kronor och ansökningar ska vara Formas tillhanda den 3 september. Beslut om vilka aktörer som får finansiering fattas den 18 november 2020.

Ny forsknings- och innovationsagenda lanserad av Sweden Food Arena!

Det finns en stor potential för livsmedelssektorn i Sverige, skriver Sweden Food Arena i samband med lanseringen av sin forsknings- och innovationsagenda den 2 juni. Med den nya agendan, som hela den svenska livsmedelskedjan står bakom, vill Sweden Food Arena inspirera till att tänka nytt, tänka stort och att tänka tillsammans.

Livsmedelsbranschen är en kärnsektor i svensk ekonomi och 2017 antog riksdagen en livsmedelsstrategi där visionen är att den svenska livsmedelskedjan år 2030 ska vara globalt konkurrenskraftig, innovativ, hållbar och attraktiv att verka inom.

För att nå visionen behövs samverkan mellan aktörerna i livsmedelskedjan som stärker branschens konkurrenskraft och innovationsförmåga. Inom ramen för livsmedelsstrategin avsattes därför medel för att bidra till etablering av samverkansarenan Sweden Food Arena där aktörer inom livsmedelsbranschen samverkar kring forskning och innovation.

Hela den svenska livsmedelssektorn står bakom forsknings- och innovationsagenda som Sweden Food Arena lanserade i ett digitalt event den 2 juni inför drygt 200 deltagare. Innovations- och forskningsagendan forsknings- och innovationsagendan ses som ett mycket viktigt steg för att uppnå livsmedelsstrategins vision. I agendan vill Sweden Food Arena inspirera till att tänka nytt, tänka stort och att tänka tillsammans.

Jeanette Purhagen som är verksamhetsledare för Food Science Sweden är en av medlemmarna i Sweden Food Arenas innovations- och forskningskommitté, den kommitté som gemensamt tagit fram den nya agendan. I kommittén finns även Lantmännen, Örebro Universitet, Orkla, ABB, Lunds Universitet, Livsmedelsföretagen, Coop, RISE och Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund representerade.

New Research and Innovation Agenda launched by Sweden Food Arena!

There is great potential for the food sector in Sweden, Sweden Food Arena writes in connection with the launch of its Research and Innovation Agenda on June 2. With the new agenda, which the entire Swedish food chain is behind, Sweden Food Arena wants to inspire to think new, think big and think together.

The food industry is a core sector in the Swedish economy. In 2017 the Riksdag adopted a food strategy where the vision is that the Swedish food chain in 2030 will be globally competitive, innovative, sustainable and attractive to operate within.

To achieve the vision, collaboration between the players in the food chain is needed, which strengthens the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the industry. Therefore, within the framework of the food strategy, funds were allocated to contribute to the establishment of the Sweden Food Arena collaboration arena where food industry players collaborate on research and innovation.

The entire Swedish food sector is behind the Research and Innovation Agenda that Sweden Food Arena launched in a digital event on June 2. Over 200 participants took part of the launch. The Research and Innovation Agenda is seen as a very important step in achieving the vision of the food strategy. In the agenda, Sweden Food Arena wants to inspire to think new, think big and think together.

Jeanette Purhagen, who is the operations manager for Food Science Sweden, is one of the members of Sweden Food Arena’s Innovation and Research Committee, the committee that jointly developed the new agenda. The committee also represents Lantmännen, Örebro University, Orkla, ABB, Lund University, Food Companies, Coop, RISE and the Swedish National Farmers’ Association.

It is time for the yearly Food Science Sweden conference! This time the conference takes place in Lund and Alnarp and its theme is Food Tech. Owing to previous years successes we will this year meet over two days, 13th and 14th of November. The conference will bring together food scientist from organisations, such as SLU, LU, Chalmers, RISE, MaxIV and the German Institute of Food Technologies.

Find the program here: FSS-conference_Lund-&-Alnarp_13-14nov

We welcome active PhD-students, researchers and industry to take part of lectures, demonstrations, discussion and poster sessions. Instructions for the poster session are provided in the registration form and confirmation letter. Roll-ups and information from research organizations can be brought and presented at the Interactive session November 13th. Please contact:

Register HERE no later than November 4th. The conference is free of charge, however a no show fee of 500 SEK may be charged.

For further information, contact:, or



Radisson Blu:

Reservations of hotel rooms have been made for the conference at hotel Radisson Blu. Price per night: 1 568 SEK for single rooms and 1 668 SEK for double rooms (including VAT and breakfast). To book a room, e-mail to: / or phone: 046-270-37-10; specify booking code: 3526283 or Food Tech Logi

Hotel Finn

Also Hotel Finn has rooms reserved for this conference; the rooms are reserved up until October 27. To book a room, e-mail to: or phone: 046-280-62-00; specify booking code: 677454

Elite Hotel Ideon:

And Elite Hotel Ideon has rooms reserved for this conference; the rooms are reserved up until October 25. Price per night: 1 690 SEK (including VAT and breakfast). To book a room, e-mail to: or phone: 046-287-11-00; specify booking code: Food Tech

Other hotels:

Clarion Collection Hotel Planetstaden

Scandic Star Lund


Day 1: IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Lund. See map.

Day 2: SLU Alnarp, Crafoordsalen, Sundsvägen 5, Alnarp. See map.


Research news from Food Science Sweden!

In May, we could enjoy 11 new research papers from the FSS researchers!
Please find the whole list here: Publication updates

Some more news from our five research organisations:

(Most texts in Swedish, but you’ll find links to scientific articles within)

Forskare på jakt efter hållbar föda

Photo by Blue Ox Studio from Pexels

On Chalmers‘s web page, prof. Ulf Svanberg presents a novel project on ‘forgotten’ plants and insects for improved health and sustainable food supply in Eastern Africa. It is part of a larger initiative by the head of Chalmers, Stefan Bengtsson, on increasing the collaborations with East African universities. Read more here: Forskare på jakt efter hållbarare föda (in Swedish)

Endast en av tre får i sig rekommenderat intag av fisk och skaldjur

RISE reports about two of their recent research projects showing that the Swedes consume too little fish and seafood and that people are insufficiently informed about health benefits, risks and climate impact of different species and different catch methods, to actively plan their consumption. Read more here: Endast en av tre får i sig rekommenderat intag av fisk och skaldjur

Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

Edible microorganisms make it possible to produce food without photosynthesis

In a news article on the SLU webpage, the question “How far off are we from a process where we could produce edible microorganisms directly from carbon dioxide in the air?” is asked. Read researcher Tomas Linder’s answer here: Edible microorganisms make it possible to produce food without photosynthesis

Ny studie – forskarna vill förhindra utvecklingen av typ 2-diabetes med fibrer

At Örebro University, a project on the effect of fibres on development of diabetes type 2 has recieved funding from  European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, EFSD, and Formas. Researcher Johan Jendle tells more about the study here: Ny studie – forskarna vill förhindra utvecklingen av typ 2-diabetes med fibrer (In Swedish)

Växtpulver i processat kött kan minska hälsoriskerna

Stina Burri, a PhD student at LTH, Lund University, has studied the effect on oxdation of mixing plant-based powders into meat products. The powders are made from bystreams from the food industry, to enable environmental and ecological sustainability and some of them proved very powerful. Read more here: Växtpulver i processat kött kan minska hälsoriskerna
The project is part of the EU-financed project SUSMEATPRO and is a collaboration between several countries, with the common goal to find effecient antioxidants for inhibition of the harmful oxidation in meat products. 

Stay updated with the latest FSS publications!

March 29, 2019
The FSS network has already published 18 scientific articles in 2019.

Se the list of titles below or read the abstracts here: 190326 Scopus Abstracts!

Kirkhus, B., Afseth, N.K., Borge, G.I.A., Grimsby, S., Steppeler, C., Krona, A., Langton, M.  (2019)  Increased release of carotenoids and delayed in vitro lipid digestion of high pressure homogenized tomato and pepper emulsions. Food Chemistry, 285, pp. 282-289.

Svanberg, L., Wassén, S., Gustinelli, G., Öhgren, C. (2019) Design of microcapsules with bilberry seed oil, cold-set whey protein hydrogels and anthocyanins: Effect of pH and formulation on structure formation kinetics and resulting microstructure during purification processing and storage. Food Chemistry, 280, pp. 146-153.

Garg, A., Malafronte, L., Windhab, E.J. (2019) Baking kinetics of laminated dough using convective and microwave heating. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 115, pp. 59-67.

Saari, H., Rayner, M., Wahlgren, M. (2019) Effects of starch granules differing in size and morphology from different botanical sources and their mixtures on the characteristics of Pickering emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 89, pp. 844-855.

Thadavathi, Y.L.N., Wassén, S., Kádár, R. (2019) In-line rheological and microstroctural characterization of high moisture content protein vegetable mixtures in single screw extrusion. Journal of Food Engineering, 245, pp. 112-123.

Cottrell, R.S., Nash, K.L., Halpern, B.S., Remenyi, T.A., Corney, S.P., Fleming, A., Fulton, E.A., Hornborg, S., Johne, A., Watson, R.A., Blanchard, J.L. (2019) Food production shocks across land and sea. Nature Sustainability, 2 (2), pp. 130-137.

Barman, M., Jonsson, K., Wold, A.E., Sandberg, A.-S. (2019) Exposure to a farm environment during pregnancy increases the proportion of arachidonic acid in the cord sera of offspring. Nutrients, 11 (2), art. no. 238, .

Ceresino, E.B., Kuktaite, R., Sato, H.H., Hedenqvist, M.S., Johansson, E. (2019) Impact of gluten separation process and transglutaminase source on gluten based dough properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 87, pp. 661-669.

Svanberg, L., Malmberg, K., Gustinelli, G., Öhgren, C., Persson, I., Brive, L., Wassén, S. (2019)
Effect of anthocyanins on lipid oxidation and microbial spoilage in value-added emulsions with bilberry seed oil, anthocyanins and cold set whey protein hydrogels. Food Chemistry, 272, pp. 273-278.

Samborska, K., Eliasson, L., Marzec, A., Kowalska, J., Piotrowski, D., Lenart, A., Kowalska, H. (2019) The effect of adding berry fruit juice concentrates and by-product extract to sugar solution on osmotic dehydrationand sensory properties of apples. Journal of Food Science and Technology, .

Palau-Rodriguez, M., Garcia-Aloy, M., Miñarro, A., Bernal-Lopez, M.R., Brunius, C., Gómez-Huelgas, R., Landberg, R., Tinahones, F.J., Andres-Lacueva, C. (2019) Effects of a long-term lifestyle intervention on metabolically healthy women with obesity: Metabolite profiles according to weight loss response.  Clinical Nutrition

Lind, M.V., Lauritzen, L., Kristensen, M., Ross, A.B., Eriksen, J.N. (2019) Effect of folate supplementation on insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 109 (1), pp. 29-42.

Zamaratskaia, G., Mhd Omar, N.A., Brunius, C., Hallmans, G., Johansson, J.-E., Andersson, S.-O., Larsson, A., Åman, P., Landberg, R. (2019) Consumption of whole grain/bran rye instead of refined wheat decrease concentrations of TNF-R2, e-selectin, and endostatin in an exploratory study in men with prostate cancer. Clinical Nutrition, Article in Press.

Vazquez, D., Berger, A., Prieto-Linde, M.L., Johansson, E. (2019) Can nitrogen fertilization be used to modulate yield, protein content and bread-making quality in Uruguayan wheat? Journal of Cereal Science, 85, pp. 153-161.

De Arcangelis, E., Djurle, S., Andersson, A.A.M., Marconi, E., Messia, M.C., Andersson, R.(2019) Structure analysis of β-glucan in barley and effects of wheat β-glucanase. Journal of Cereal Science, 85, pp. 175-181.

Hagsten, C., Innings, F., Trägårdh, C., Hamberg, L., Paulsson, M., Nylander, T.  (2019) Removal of UHT dairy fouling — An efficient cleaning process by optimizing the rate controlling alkaline cleaning step. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 113, pp. 101-107.

Ulaszewska, M.M., Weinert, C.H., Trimigno, A., Portmann, R., Andres Lacueva, C., Badertscher, R., Brennan, L., Brunius, C., Bub, A., Capozzi, F., Cialiè Rosso, M., Cordero, C.E., Daniel, H., Durand, S., Egert, B., Ferrario, P.G., Feskens, E.J.M., Franceschi, P., Garcia-Aloy, M., Giacomoni, F., Giesbertz, P., González-Domínguez, R., Hanhineva, K., Hemeryck, L.Y., Kopka, J., Kulling, S.E., Llorach, R., Manach, C., Mattivi, F., Migné, C., Münger, L.H., Ott, B., Picone, G., Pimentel, G., Pujos-Guillot, E., Riccadonna, S., Rist, M.J., Rombouts, C., Rubert, J., Skurk, T., Sri Harsha, P.S.C., Van Meulebroek, L., Vanhaecke, L., Vázquez-Fresno, R., Wishart, D., Vergères, G. (2019) Nutrimetabolomics: An Integrative Action for Metabolomic Analyses in Human Nutritional Studies. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 63 (1), art. no. 1800384, .

Tullberg, C., Vegarud, G., Undeland, I. (2019) Oxidation of marine oils during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion with human digestive fluids – Role of oil origin, added tocopherols and lipolytic activity. Food Chemistry, 270, pp. 527-537.