Ongoing research within LiFT graduate school 2023
During the Food Science Sweden conference on the 15th of March 2023 we would like you to take part of the ongoing research within LiFT Graduate School. All posters on the web page are avaliable for download.
Click on the image to see it in full size.
1. Method development and validation of a quantitative LCMS method for a panel of food intake biomarkers
Contact: PhD student Marina Armeni,
2. Up-cycling of Plant-Based Beverage Residues (Okara) – Challenges and Opportunities
Contact: Amanda Helstad, Department of Food Technology Engineering and Nutrition, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
3. Metabolic effects of high-fibre and low GI-diets among individuals with elevated cardiometabolic risk
Contact: Therese Hjort,
4. The Impact of Plant-Based Proteins on Markers of Gut Health
Contact: Anna-Lena Kamm,
5. Diet during pregnancy and lactation in relation to offspring allergy
Contact: PhD student Mia Stråvik,
6. The effect of transglutaminase and ultrasound pre-treatment on the gelling properties of pea protein
Contact: Jaqueline Auer,
7. Texture and microstructure of mixed gels from faba bean protein, starch and fibre
Contact: PhD student Mattias Johansson,
8. Physiochemical and thermal characterisation of faba bean starch
Contact: Klara Nilsson,
9. Towards hybrid plant-based foods from Swedish Green-Blue side streams
Contact: Helga Guðný Elíasdóttir,
10. Towards hybrid plant-based foods from Swedish Green-Blue side streams
Contact: Jakob Karlsson,
11.Technology development for value addition of herring and sprat to protein-enriched ingredients
Contact: Johan Axelsson,
12.Attitudes and preferences of plant-based yoghurt – a consumer questionnaire
Contact: Johanna Östlund,
13. Effect of physicochemical properties, pre processing, and extraction on the functionality of wheat bran arabinoxylans in breadmaking a review
Contact: Solja Pietiäinen,
14. Fruit without farming? The wild berry value chain and its development in Sweden
Contact: Paul Plummer
15. Stabilisation of sea lettuce (Ulva sp.) biomass and its effects on nutritional properties, microstructure, tensile strength and volatile compounds
Contact: Mar Vall-llosera Juanolaaa
16. Consumer perception and political consumerism about food containing plant-based protein
Contact: Ansung Kim
17. Evaluation of appetite measure visual analogue scales in free-living participants: VASA-home: A randomized trial comparing high fibre rye and refined wheat diets
Poster for Contact: Sebastian Åberg