Category Archives: Uncategorized

LiNuS 2019 – Save the date!

LiNuS – Nätverket för Livsmedels- och Nutritionsforskning i Sverige – bjuder in till möte den 8-9 oktober, lunch till lunch, på Ideon i Lund.

5th JPI HDHL Conference – registration open

The 5th international conference of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ will take place on February 20, 2019 in Brussels. The European research programme JPI Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL) addresses research to meet challenges within the food area. Sweden is represented by the research council Formas.
This years conference theme is Diet as leverage point towards a healthy and sustainable food system.
Registration is now open! Read more and register here!

Reminder! Deadline for mobility call June 10!

FSS is announcing a call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners. Researchers from FSS member organisations are welcome to apply and preference will be given to projects involving two or more FSS partner organisations.

The project topic should fall within food science and specifically within the active research areas of FSS. Other aspects that will be evaluated include 1) the novelty of the proposal, 2) the potentiality of the project to lead to further funding and 3) distribution of young and senior researchers.

The total sum to be applied for is up to 100 kSEK. The grant covers services, travel, fee for instrument use etc. but it cannot be used to cover salaries or stipends. All applications will be evaluated by the FSS-steering group.

Read more: Call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners 2018

Call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners 2018

Application deadline: June 10, 2018

FSS is announcing a call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners. Researchers from FSS member organisations are welcome to apply and preference will be given to projects involving two or more FSS partner organisations. 

The project topic should fall within food science and specifically within the active research areas of FSS. Other aspects that will be evaluated include 1) the novelty of the proposal, 2) the potentiality of the project to lead to further funding and 3) distribution of young and senior researchers.

The total sum to be applied for is up to 100 kSEK. The grant covers services, travel, fee for instrument use etc. but it cannot be used to cover salaries or stipends. All applications will be evaluated by the FSS-steering group.

Read more here!



Food Science Research – national strengths and future priorities

Check out our one page summary of current research strengths and future priorities in Swedish Food Science Research!
Here is the outcome of the workshop at the FSS Conference on the 8th of December 2017!

The summary is based on the current research strengths and future priorities that came up most frequently from the different groups. Please find the result below!
The results will be used to strengthen the work of FSS and in communication with for example Livsmedelsarenan ( and FORMAS.

This document will be “living” in the sense that we will update it yearly at the FSS conferences. The next conference takes place on the 14th of November 2018.