Jacob Karlsson

Jakob Karlsson

Project description: Interactions between plant-based proteins and dietary fibres; and their effect on fermentation.

My research focuses on the interactions between plant-based proteins and dietary fibres, and how these interactions affect fermentation. This project is part of the PAN Sweden consortium, which emphasizes plant-based proteins. The goal is to conduct a physicochemical characterization of these proteins and fibres to understand their interactions and subsequently investigate their impact on fermentation.


Main Supervisor

  • Anna Ström, Chalmers


  • Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Chalmers
  • Tatiana Marques, Örebro University
  • Annika Krona, RISE


I am affiliated with the Division of Applied Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.

About Jakob

My name is Jakob, and I hold an MSc in Materials Chemistry and a BSc in Biotechnology from Chalmers University of Technology.

My passion for this PhD project stems from a desire to help people and contribute to a sustainable society. Being a PhD student allows me the freedom to deeply explore a specific subject, which has always fascinated me.

The most exciting aspect of my work is at the intersection of food science and materials chemistry, where I strive to connect these fields. This requires a broad knowledge base, pushing me to continuously learn new things, from analytical chemistry techniques to in vitro fermentation processes.