En dag om livsmedelsforskning och -innovation

Formas and the National Committee for Food Science Research arranged a “Day about Food Science Research and Innovation” on the 23 of January 2019. Food Sceince Sweden was represented by Anna Ström who presented our bibliometric study on Swedish food science research.

The 1st Sandberg Symposium – Healthy Foods for a Sustainable Future

Call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners 2018

Deadline for application: June 10, 2018

Researchers from FSS member organisations are welcome to apply for this grant, supporting new collaborations within the area of food science. Preference will be given to projects involving two or more FSS partner organisations. 
Please see the call below; click for larger pictures!

Call for increased collaboration between Food Science Sweden partners 2018


FSS på Jordbruksverkets livsmedelsindustridag den 16 januari 2018

Den 16 januari anordnade Jordbruksverket Livsmedelsindustriseminarium med temat “Från idé till succé – kunskapens väg till nya marknader”. SFF och LiFT var representerade av Anna Ström och Maud Langton. Detaljer kring innehåll och program finns här.