Food Science Sweden Steering Group
Food Science Sweden is managed by a steering group consisting of representatives from our member organisations, the operations manager, the communicator, and the directors of studies from the LiFT Graduate school.
The steering group is responsible for the activities of Food Science Sweden, including the LiFT Graduate school. The steering group consists of one representative from each partner organisation, the operations manager, and the communicator. The steering group can co-opt additional members from industry, research funders, government agencies, or similar. The chairmanship rotates every two years.
Malin Barman
Senior Researcher, Food and Nutrition Science, Life Sciences at Chalmers and Director of Studies for LiFT.
Richard Landberg
Head of Division, Food and Nutrition Science, Life Sciences at Chalmers.
Anna Hanner
Associate professor at division of polymeric mateials at KTH and Director of Studies for LiFT.
Francisco Vilaplana
Director of KTH Food and chairman for Food Science Sweden.
Federico Gomez
Researcher at LTH
Jeanette Purhagen
Researcher at LTH and Managing Director for Food Science Sweden
Karolina Östbring
Senior lecturer, Division of Food and Pharma at LTH and Director of Studies for LiFT
Swedish Food Federation
Elisabet Rytter
Nutrition and research specialist at the Swedish Food Federation.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Petra Forsblad
Communicator specialist at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and at Food Science Sweden.
Karin Östergren
Senior Scientist at RISE and Adjunct Professor at Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition, Lund University.
Galia Zamaratskaia
External Collaboration Specialist in Food Quality at SLU.
Annsofie Wahlström
Research Group Leader at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences at SLU.
Robert Jan Brummer
Professor of gastroenterology and clinical nutrition at OrU.
Tatiana Marques
Senior Lecturer, School of Medical Sciences at OrU.